Subject: Re: our parkways
Date: Fri May 23 2008 - 12:34:20 CDT
The board has budgeted approximately $10K for a parkway project for 2008.
We are waiting for the balcony decking replacement project to finish
before we start on the parkways. As you know, there was a construction
canopy in front of the building for a few weeks and it was just recently
removed. As the project is finished we will shift gears and focus our
attention on the parkways.
Currently we are pricing out stamped concrete and concrete pavers for the
parkways. All the grass will be removed and metal tree grates or planters
will be installed. Cost is the main concern, so we are looking at several
options to beautify the parkways, all of which will require minimal
ongoing maintenance. Our goal is to clean up the parkways, provide a low
maintenance solution, and still keep some green elements in place.
We understand that parkways are a bit of an eyesore at the moment, but
plans are currently in progress to deliver the parkway project in the very
near future. For this reason, we have decided to hold off on planting any
flowers or performing any maintenance on the parkways.
FYI... if we go with the option of planters around the trees, we'll be
looking for volunteers to help us plant flowers and maintain the planters
throughout the spring/summer/fall seasons. Anyone with a green thumb is
welcome to apply and help out. More information to follow in the next few
Thanks for the email!
- Chris
Mary Deskovich <>
Sent by:
05/23/2008 11:54 AM
Please respond to
our parkways
The parkways around the building look terrible. I am not able to attend
meetings held on Weds so don't know if this has been discussed. And please
do not MISCONSTRUED this as a criticism of dog owners (God forbid I should
open that can of warms)
They will continue to be eyesores as long as dogs are walked on them
(and it's not just people in our building. I've seen our neighbors using
the grass for a doggie toilet) and the bus stop remains where it is.
Nothing is going to grow where dogs pee. I planted tiger lilies around
the trees on Throop north of the alley many years ago. I always thought
that nothing could kill them, but witness that there are none growing on
the sidewalk side of the trees' periphery. Note that the plants put near
the underground garage last year have not returned this year. Perhaps it
is time to consider paving the parkways (concrete or paver blocks),
leaving raised planter boxes around the trees. In the past I seem to
remember being told the city doesn't allow that, but there are very few
other buildings in the neighborhood w/ what is supposed to pass for lawn
in the parkways so evidently there is a way to do this and satisfy the
city. Yes, the initial expense would be high, but we
would not need landscaping service during the summer saving a few bucks
there. We would not have to replace the sod and plants every year, again
saving money. Yes, dogs will use the planters as a target, but if they
are built up several inches, only very large dogs will actually hit the
Just a thought.
Mary (614)
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