Re: our parkways

Subject: Re: our parkways
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Fri May 23 2008 - 12:38:56 CDT

Mary wrote:

> The parkways around the building look terrible.

As Mary knows, both as resident and as former Board member, the parkways
have been a problem from day one. As long timers know, Mary almost
single-handedly tried to beautify the parkways, usually at her own
expense, in the early years. Her labor kept things looking good, but
dogs and other assaults on flowers and grass increased over the years.
In recent years, the Board has explored a number of options. In the last
few months, Brian Stankos developed and costed-out a few designs to
replace the grass with rock and put "planters" around the trees similar
to the parkway on the Chicago News lofts on Racine. We'll be soliciting
bids soon.

A draft of the minutes for the last meeting will be up in a few weeks
(minutes are on the homepage at:
Click on "documents"

They aren't official until approved at the subequent meeting. A few
high points from the last meeting:

--Parkway plans and other upgrades (eg, lobby beautification) were
   discussed and will be moving forward

--IGo proposal was offered. Brian is in discussion/negotiation with
   them at this time. The current renter of one of the Assocation's
   spaces (107) was filling to move his motorcycle to the bike racks
   to free the space at the request of the Board, so the motorcyle
   parking there is "legit" and paid for.

--The roof leaks and similar roof problems came up, and hope to begin
   planning for replacing the roof in about two years, but this remains
   in long-term planning/budgeting stages

--Some good news on the litigation against the developers and
   contractors that has been on-going for many years: We agreed on
   some settlement offers. While the settlements will be relatively
   modest, we did prevail. Details on this should be finalized by
   the next quarterly meeting


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