Subject: RE: USA Dish complaints?
From: Jennifer Kalchbrenner (
Date: Fri May 30 2008 - 10:54:23 CDT
I also tried to contact Roddy two weeks ago and received the message that his mailbox was full.
> Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 13:39:29 -0500> From:> To:> Subject: RE: USA Dish complaints?> > > > I have been trying to contact him since May 1st. By phone I either > > get the answering service or his mailbox is full and I can do nothing. > > I have also emailed him but again no response.> > Thanks for the info, Jonathan and Alissa. The Board needs the following> information from people who've complained in the past, or from those> with recent problems:> > 1) For those with prior complaints in the past month, did USA Dish> finally get around to resolving them, especially billing issues?> > 2) Has anybody had him on-site since May 6?> > 3) Has anybody tried to call USA Dish/Big Skyz at: 269-759-8819> in the past three weeks? If so, what happened?> > Remember, it's helpful to document the dates you called (or be able> to document it with phone records).> > There is overwhelming satisfaction with USA Dish service, and our> binding contract, not written in our f
avor, extends to August 2010.> Many owners have wondered why, given the problems, we can't terminate> the contract for non-compliance. There are legal issues, but there is> also a practical issue: Unilateral termination could result in> disruption of service until a new provider comes in, and getting a new> provider is complicated by legal restrictions preventing other providers> from delivering service. Also, some residents prefer Dish Network> (but not Roddy, its provider) and would like to remain with > Dish/satellite. These are just a few things for everybody to consider as > we work out the next steps.> > AT&T's U-Verse won't be available for a while in our neighborhood > because of some issues with the city codes that have delayed them a bit.> > We know people are busy, but we do need detailed documentation of> complaints (thanks to those who've provided them so far). And, just> as a cautionary reminder: While the Board continues to work actively> to resolve issues peacefully, it hasn't worked to date,
and any> dramatic action we take risks repercussions that could effect all > owners.> > Jim>
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