RE: USA Dish complaints?

Subject: RE: USA Dish complaints?
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Wed Jun 04 2008 - 13:11:42 CDT

> I will now try to call dish network and see what happens.

Call Dish Network at: 800 454-0843
It would help if people would call them to complain to have it on record
with them. The Board, among other options, is pursuing Echostar
intervention, and complaints from owners help us make the case. Be sure
to say that you want it on record.

> I have an idea if it has not been thought of, how about contacting
> better business bureau? Would that help our plight?

It's a good idea to have this on public record, so calls to the BBB
wouldn't hurt. But, it wouldn't help us. The problems run far deeper.

> Maybe the Chicago Tribune Metro section "what's your problem" We
> could try and put a spotlight on Roddy. Who knows what would motivate
> him?

If individual owners want to call, it wouldn't hurt.
The problem is that if we can't get through, neither could they.
Again, the problems are far deeper than just a bandaid. The Board is
pursuing far more aggressive action. Our attorney is drafting another
non-compliance letter, but this is stop-gap, and even if he responds
to the immediate problems, they start over and the process begins anew.
We need something long-term and sustainable. We are considering
several options, but remember:

We do not want to embroil the Association in litigation if it can
be avoided. Litigation in this type of situation is lose-lose and could
lead to a disruption of service and be a lengthy process.

We are working on a few other options as well.


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