Subject: RE: USA Dish complaints?
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Wed Jun 04 2008 - 15:10:59 CDT
> My internet is out and I have contacted Roddy's phone also without any luck.
> I've heard that we can now sign up with other internet service
> providers, but when I moved in, I was told by 1st Properties that we
> could only use BigSkyz for internet.
Many of us have switched from Big Skyz to AT&T's DSL. We've posted
several times, including contact information, that DSL is a better
option. It's faster, offers more services, and is more reliable. See:
Call AT&T customer service.
To cancel payment of Big Skyz internet, call the credit card company
and have them take it off your bill.
> No need for the board to reply with the standard email summarizing
> the details of how we have a contract and how we can't do anything
> about it. I think we all get it and have heard the gist enough times
> by now - it still doesn't make it any easier to accept.
We have to keep repeating the details because they seem to be forgotten:
1) The Board is *not* ignoring the issue, and we have never said we
can't do anything about it. We continue pursuing options (see next
post), but those options must be cautious so we don't wind up in
litigation or with a loss of service
2) There is a difference between USA Dish service and Big Skyz.
USA Dish provides satellite tv. The service problems are covered by
contract between the Association and USA Dish. When service is
unacceptable, has it has been for years, the Board can at least
attempt to do something. Which we are.
Big Skyz issues are between individual owners and Roddy and not covered
by a contract with the Association. If people don't like Big Skyz, the
solution is to cancel and go with AT&T DSL. It's a far better deal
with fewer problems.
Owners should be aware, though, that even though Big Skyz is not
covered by contract, if he should lose the building, he could take his
Internet service with him, because Echostar/Dish is not responsible for
Big Skyz service. Another reason why DSL might be the better option.
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