Re: UPDATE on Roddy/Echostar

Subject: Re: UPDATE on Roddy/Echostar
Date: Wed Jun 04 2008 - 19:41:30 CDT

Sounds like bs to me. My internet at home (Big Skyz) has been working fine for the past few days.
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-----Original Message-----
From: "jeremybutterfield" <>

Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2008 17:41:56
To:"Vanguard Lofts Listserv" <>, <>
Subject: RE: UPDATE on Roddy/Echostar

I spoke with saulus (sp?) this afternoon regarding our now 36+ hr internet outage. he hadn't responded to my calls yet from yesterday, but he typically is pretty reachable and attentive. however he always needs roddy's approval to offer a service call and it can delay his response time.

this is not unusual to have an outage that lasts a day or two and I of course agree it is incredibly frustrating and unacceptable. saulus said he spoke with roddy today so I know he's not unreachable when he wants to be reached. apparently there is an upgrade being done on our internet svc and it may be another day or two before it is back up and running. that's again very frustrating to hear this is a PLANNED outage yet we weren't notified--or at least I wasn't.

I hope this information was helpful to anyone.


-----Original Message-----
From: "" <> on behalf of "Jim Thomas" <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 9:11 PM
To: "Vanguard Lofts Listserv" <>
Subject: UPDATE on Roddy/Echostar

Here's an update on the conversations I had with the national sales
manager (commercial department) at Echostar/Dish a few hours ago.
It might be a bit long, but please read through it, because for those
who have complaints against Roddy, it's critical information.

The short version: They find the lack of service unacceptable.
Although Roddy is again in the hospital, and while we are all
sympathetic to his well-being, that neither justifies nor accounts for
the lack of service when he was healthy. Dish/Echostar put USA Dish
on notice this week to respond to service complaints. Tom Gordon,
Roddy's assistant, called Echostar a few hours ago indicating that
USA Dish would have somebody on-site tomorrow (Thursday) to address the
complaints they have received.

The problem, of course, is that if people couldn't get through, USA Dish
may not have all the complaints. So, if you have a complaint, call him
again at:


Please let me know in private email what happens. If you can't get
through, this is critical (Echostar put him on notice to be accessible).
If you can and leave a message, let us know that, too.

Also, if you have logged a complain in the last few months, let me know
tomorrow night if you are contacted by USA Dish and the resolution.

Please also find out who comes out from USA Dish (Tom? Saulius? Somebody
else?). Let us know, because while minor, this is important information
to log.

Has anybody seen Saulius (younger fellow, Polish or Russian) on-site
in the last few months? Please let the Board know if you have.

Echostar/Dish is as frustrated as we are with the problems, because
they don't want to lose customers. The Roddy problem isn't only with
our building, so they're aware of the extent of it. Their immediate
goal is to resolve service issues. If this can't be done, then they
have other options and are willing to exercise them.

What you can all do now:

1) Call Roddy to indicate that you want service tomorrow. If you can't
have somebody come in tomorrow, let him know that you want it asap and
try to set up a date.

2) Provide the Board with the information requested above (whether you
received service or set up a time to be served; if service is adequate
over the next 7-10 days if you can't have it done tomorrow; whether you
could reach him today/tomorrow--this is critically important).

3) Keep the Board informed.

I will be calling Echostar/Dish Friday morning to report back on what
happens tomorrow/Thursday, so your feedback is necessary.

The Board will also be discussing additional options over the next 7-10

Thanks to those of you who have contacted Echostar/Dish, because it
reaffirms from those directly involved that there is a crisis with
Roddy. And, thanks also to those who've kept logs and kept us informed.
It strengthens our own position.


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