Subject: RE: UPDATE on Roddy/Echostar
From: Allison Prybylo (
Date: Thu Jun 05 2008 - 09:38:13 CDT
Thank you Jim for your diligence on this matter.> Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2008 16:11:51 -0500> From:> To:> Subject: UPDATE on Roddy/Echostar> > > Here's an update on the conversations I had with the national sales > manager (commercial department) at Echostar/Dish a few hours ago.> It might be a bit long, but please read through it, because for those> who have complaints against Roddy, it's critical information.> > The short version: They find the lack of service unacceptable.> Although Roddy is again in the hospital, and while we are all > sympathetic to his well-being, that neither justifies nor accounts for> the lack of service when he was healthy. Dish/Echostar put USA Dish> on notice this week to respond to service complaints. Tom Gordon,> Roddy's assistant, called Echostar a few hours ago indicating that> USA Dish would have somebody on-site tomorrow (Thursday) to address the > complaints they have received.> > The problem, of course, is that if people cou
ldn't get through, USA Dish> may not have all the complaints. So, if you have a complaint, call him> again at:> > 269-759-8819> > Please let me know in private email what happens. If you can't get > through, this is critical (Echostar put him on notice to be accessible).> If you can and leave a message, let us know that, too.> > Also, if you have logged a complain in the last few months, let me know> tomorrow night if you are contacted by USA Dish and the resolution.> > Please also find out who comes out from USA Dish (Tom? Saulius? Somebody> else?). Let us know, because while minor, this is important information > to log.> > Has anybody seen Saulius (younger fellow, Polish or Russian) on-site> in the last few months? Please let the Board know if you have.> > Echostar/Dish is as frustrated as we are with the problems, because> they don't want to lose customers. The Roddy problem isn't only with> our building, so they're aware of the extent of it. Their immediate> goal is to resolve service issues. If this ca
n't be done, then they> have other options and are willing to exercise them.> > What you can all do now:> > 1) Call Roddy to indicate that you want service tomorrow. If you can't> have somebody come in tomorrow, let him know that you want it asap and> try to set up a date.> > 2) Provide the Board with the information requested above (whether you> received service or set up a time to be served; if service is adequate> over the next 7-10 days if you can't have it done tomorrow; whether you> could reach him today/tomorrow--this is critically important).> > 3) Keep the Board informed.> > I will be calling Echostar/Dish Friday morning to report back on what> happens tomorrow/Thursday, so your feedback is necessary.> > The Board will also be discussing additional options over the next 7-10 > days.> > Thanks to those of you who have contacted Echostar/Dish, because it> reaffirms from those directly involved that there is a crisis with> Roddy. And, thanks also to those who've kept logs and kept us informed.> It stre
ngthens our own position.> > Jim>
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