Subject: RE: Response to Board from Roddy
From: Kelly Cacioppo (
Date: Wed Jun 11 2008 - 20:36:22 CDT
My internet is up and running, but he doesn't know I'm cancelling it tomorrow when my dsl line will be available... Saulis also stopped by to make sure it was working which was nice.
On a side note, we could probably save some $$$ by increasing the temp of the air conditioning in the halls. It's great to have it working again, but it is VERY cold now. I don't think we need it to be so high...
> Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 10:42:56 -0500> From:> To:> Subject: Response to Board from Roddy> > > Roddy responded to Chris. He claims that he has essentially resolved> all the service issues. By his count, there weren't many service> calls to make. Let us know if his math adds up and if he has, in> fact, resolved all of the service calls.> > (We don't know why he uses the name "Gretchen Gilmore" as his email> name)> > Jim> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------> Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 10:55:57 -0400> From: Gretchen Gilmore <>> To:> Cc: Condo Board <>,> Subject: Re: REPLY---Internet Service At Vanguard Lofts---6 June 2008> > Roddy Glenn < > wrote--> > Dear Chris:> > I have been communicating thru Jason Lefkowitz. The internet issues are complete> (with exception of one or two residents whom Saulius has tried to schedule a visit).> > The two Dish service calls
have been resolved; a 3rd has not responded to our calls.> Installation in Unit 708 will be completed when Dish receiver comes in. The receiver> was ordered last week (it has not arrived). Please direct service calls to local number> first---630-539-1154, if office unable to respond, they' ll give forwarding phone number.> > Regards, Roddy>
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