RE: Sealing / Staining Balconies

Subject: RE: Sealing / Staining Balconies
From: Dom Shurba (
Date: Tue Jul 01 2008 - 12:50:44 CDT

I hope it was shut off. It's kind of a big deal.
> From:
> To:
> Subject: RE: Sealing / Staining Balconies
> Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2008 00:54:32 -0500
> Hi all-
> There was an extremely strong gas odor in my unit that started around 10pm last night that never went away, so I called People's Energy at 12am to report a gas leak. They sent 2 technicians (free of charge) to check it out, and they were able to get some sort of readings from the meters on the 7th floor. According to them, unit 601 had a really bad leak. One of the men came back to let me know which unit it was, but did not tell me if he fixed the leak, or just shut off that unit's gas. He was extremely rude, so I wanted to keep our interaction as short as possible. To whomever lives in 601, I hope they contacted you to let you know what the problem was - sorry for any inconvenience.
> Feel free to call me if there are any questions @ 630-750-8472. Thanks,
> -Kelly (unit #708)
>> Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2008 13:12:53 -0700> From:> Subject: Re: Sealing / Staining Balconies> To:>> Jay,>> July 10th works for me. I am having people over on that Sunday the 13th but I'm guessing I would be able to put everything back out there by then.>> We can talk when it gets closer but lets put it on the books.>> Thanks>> Jason Wolf wrote: Derek,>> Weather permitting I am looking at having dates avaialble the evening of> July 10, 11 and days of July 12, 13.>> Please tell me what works for you and we'll get it scheduled.>> Regards,>> Jay>>>>> On 6/30/08, Derek Lane wrote:>>>> Jay>>>> I'll take you up on your offer? When can you come on by and stain & seal?>>>> Derek>>>> Jason Wolf wrote: Good afternoon.>>>> Now that the balcony project is complete it is probably a good idea for>> everyone to seal the new wood on their balcony to increase the longevity of>> the treated lumber t!
> hat was used. It is not required that you do this, but>> it is suggested.>>>> In addition to protecting the wood, using a tinted sealer can have a great>> asthetic affect. (>>>> is always a good idea inform your neighbors below you ahead of>> time when you are doing this type of work so that they can cover their>> belonging to protect against drips and such.)>>>> If you have any questions regarding products or the process feel free to>> contact me. In addition if you wish to hire someone to complete the work I>> will be happy to lend my services for $25 / balcony. The product I use has>> a three year warranty and uses a cedar color tint.>>>> Please let me know if you have any questions.>>>> Jay>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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