Subject: Re: Sealing / Staining Balconies
From: Marty Platten (
Date: Tue Jul 01 2008 - 13:02:36 CDT
Has anyone contacted 1st Properties about this? Sure seems like something
we should look into. If 601 has "a really bad leak", perhaps someone should
explore this further? I would hope that People's would not point out a bad
leak and leave it at that.
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 12:54 AM, Kelly Cacioppo <>
> Hi all-
> There was an extremely strong gas odor in my unit that started around 10pm
> last night that never went away, so I called People's Energy at 12am to
> report a gas leak. They sent 2 technicians (free of charge) to check it
> out, and they were able to get some sort of readings from the meters on the
> 7th floor. According to them, unit 601 had a really bad leak. One of the
> men came back to let me know which unit it was, but did not tell me if he
> fixed the leak, or just shut off that unit's gas. He was extremely rude, so
> I wanted to keep our interaction as short as possible. To whomever lives in
> 601, I hope they contacted you to let you know what the problem was - sorry
> for any inconvenience.
> Feel free to call me if there are any questions @ 630-750-8472. Thanks,
> -Kelly (unit #708)
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