Re: DishNetwork #s

Subject: Re: DishNetwork #s
From: Robin Raffel (
Date: Fri Jul 11 2008 - 23:35:51 CDT

I keep getting that message on 1 of my 2 tvs. let me
know what they say when they come out.
robin 713
--- rodseven <> wrote:

> Hi. I got an Error message on my TV during last
> night's storm. It says a problems has been detected
> with your multi-dish switch. I called Dish to fix
> it, correct? They are sending someone out on
> Tuesday.
> --- On Mon, 7/7/08, Jim Thomas
> <> wrote:
> From: Jim Thomas <>
> Subject: Re: DishNetwork #s
> To:
> Date: Monday, July 7, 2008, 12:13 PM
> > Can someone please provide me Dish Network's Phone
> numbers? I am
> > having billing issues.
> The customer service number is listed on your
> monthly Dish
> Network statement. Try:
> 800-454-0843
> Dish Network/Echostar is who you call for
> programming/billing issues.
> At Wednesday's meeting, the Board unanimously voted
> to terminate the
> contract of USA Dish/Roddy. Roddy is who you would
> try to call for
> hardware/receiver installation. With the contract
> terminated, he can no
> longer provide service to the building at this time.
> The Board will be
> working with Dish Network for a solution.
> Note that termination also includes Roddy's
> servicing of his Internet
> line as well. Unlike Dish satellite, which should
> remain, at least for
> now, uninterupted, Roddy can cancel the Internet
> wireless signal without
> accessing the building. Given the probems people
> have had, presumably
> most residents have shifted to AT&T's DSL.
> Jim

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