RE: DishNetwork #s

Subject: RE: DishNetwork #s
From: Jason Wolf (
Date: Sat Jul 12 2008 - 09:08:30 CDT

I had been getting a similar message during storms. I believe this is a
standard error message as I only get it during storms and have not had any
problems otherwise.

If you have continued trouble you should contact dish directly, but again I
would not worry as my system and my neighbors have been and are up and


Jay 508

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of rodseven
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: DishNetwork #s

Hi. I got an Error message on my TV during last night's storm. It says a
problems has been detected with your multi-dish switch. I called Dish to fix
it, correct? They are sending someone out on Tuesday.

--- On Mon, 7/7/08, Jim Thomas <> wrote:

From: Jim Thomas <>
Subject: Re: DishNetwork #s
Date: Monday, July 7, 2008, 12:13 PM

> Can someone please provide me Dish Network's Phone numbers? I am
> having billing issues.

The customer service number is listed on your monthly Dish
Network statement. Try:

Dish Network/Echostar is who you call for programming/billing issues.

At Wednesday's meeting, the Board unanimously voted to terminate the
contract of USA Dish/Roddy. Roddy is who you would try to call for
hardware/receiver installation. With the contract terminated, he can no
longer provide service to the building at this time. The Board will be
working with Dish Network for a solution.

Note that termination also includes Roddy's servicing of his Internet
line as well. Unlike Dish satellite, which should remain, at least for
now, uninterupted, Roddy can cancel the Internet wireless signal without
accessing the building. Given the probems people have had, presumably
most residents have shifted to AT&T's DSL.


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