Any Dish/Internet service issues?

Subject: Any Dish/Internet service issues?
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon Jul 21 2008 - 00:23:38 CDT

We have some new residents in the building who were just added to this
discussion list, so I'll repeat some of this information:

We're still waiting for word from Dish Network on how they will proceed
following the cancellation of the contract with Roddy Glenn.
We're also waiting from word from AT&T/DSL to see if they will expand
their routers in our area. Our questions:

1) If you're trying to subscribe to Dish Network and haven't been able
to yet, send me private email and we'll forward it on. We know of a few
of you who still don't have satellite service

2) If you tried to subscribe to AT&T/DSL and were told "we're full at
the moment," keep trying, let me know, see if you can be added to
a waiting lest, and keep bugging them. I'll check with AT&T mid-week
to check on the status of things.


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