Subject: Storage room, bikes, and removing things
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon Aug 11 2008 - 22:15:29 CDT
We have begun removing dysfunctional and unregistered bikes from the
storage room. Two bikes placed on the floor and totally dysfunctional
were moved outside by the bike racks (in the space between 1250 and the
nextdoor building). If unclaimed in a week, they will be donated.
A bike on the floor chained to the posts between spaces #32/33 will
be next to go. It's hampering the storage of other bikes. It'll be
gone by the weekend.
We will gradually be moving other unregistered bikes, beginning with
those that are dysfunctional and have been previously marked as
potentially "moved owners" bikes. If you have a dysfunctional bike
that hasn't been used for a long time and has not been registered,
best remove it.
A few people have been storing their possessions outsider of their
lockers. This is forbidden. Julio will be removing items this week.
If you stored things outside your locker, best move it ASAP.
Jim Thomas
NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University
Adjunct Professor, Criminal Justice, Univerisity of Illinois/Chicago /
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