Subject: RE: There is a vehicle from out of town.
Date: Thu Aug 14 2008 - 09:18:57 CDT
I think you're missing the point.
The Vanguard Lofts Condo Association pays for many services to be
performed at our building. These service providers take priority over
guests/visitors because we are paying money for them to be at our
building. The "guest/visitor" parking spaces behind the building need to
be open to accommodate these service providers that often make service
calls to the property on a 24x7 schedule. If people are abusing the
"guest/visitor" parking privileges then ultimately the service providers
don't have a place to park and it directly impacts the Vanguard Lofts
Condo Association. It is a major inconvenience to the Association when a
service provider shows up to perform work and they are delayed due to no
available parking. This problem happens way more than you think.
Examples of Service Providers:
- Daily maintenance staff (Julio and Teddy)
- Elevator Maintenance Contractors
- AMS Mechanical Systems
- Anderson Pest Control
- Assurance Heating
- Chicago Building Services
- Clean Source Carpet
- ComEd Electric
- Peoples Energy
- Verizon Wireless
- Ward Plumbing
- Security One (Fire Alarm & Intercom System)
- Red Hawk (Access Control System and Video Security)
- Tremco Roofing
- Dish Networks (satellite)
- AT&T (phone/internet)
Also remember that everyone in the building with a parking space has
purchased (or is renting) a location to park their vehicle. Parking space
owners pay annual taxes on their individual space. When home owners see
others in the building abusing the "guest/visitor" parking for personal
use, it upsets everyone. I'm sure you are well aware that many people in
the building have permanent "live in" guests or significant others with a
vehicle. People have been caught using the "visitor/guest" parking behind
the building as a personal parking space for a second vehicle. If a unit
needs a parking space for a vehicle, the Association has two parking
spaces that can be rented or purchased. Alternatively, vehicles can park
on the street for free.
Another problem is rental units with tenants that do not know rules for
"guest/visitor" parking. In the past there have been several units with
multiple residents, each with a car. Typically there is only one parking
space per unit. The tenants of the rental units often take it upon
themselves to use the "guest/visitor" parking spaces as a personal parking
space. The "guest/visitor" parking spaces behind the building are not for
personal use.
The Board of Managers has discussed the option of removing the
"guest/visitor" parking spaces from behind the building. The spaces would
be stripped in yellow paint and no parking signs would be posted. Service
providers would be the only vehicles allowed to park in the area directly
behind the building, thus resulting in all vehicles being towed. If
people continue to abuse the "guest/visitor" parking spaces and the rules
that have been established for the use of these spaces, you can rest
assured that the "guest/visitor" parking privileges will be revoked.
Remember, we all live in a communal building. The are rules and
regulations are for everyone... all of which are very simple to understand
and extremely simple to follow. No one is being rude. The rules are
simply being enforced.
- Chris
Kelly Cacioppo <>
Sent by:
08/14/2008 12:57 AM
Please respond to
<>, <>
Vanguard Lofts Listserv <>
RE: There is a vehicle from out of town.
Sorry to send this and clog up your inboxes - because it's just my opinion
- but everyone needs to CHILL OUT regarding guest parking. I've lived
here over 2 years, and guest parking has never been full for over 12
hours. There is always a spot or 2 available, and I've seen such mean
streaks come from people that live here when it comes to guest parking. I
do not know who parked in that spot, so this has nothing to do with me -
but I think it's just awful that some of the people that live here are
driven to leave nasty notes on someone's car. It's childish behavior, and
that 'courtesy' sticker that was placed on the window will take the owner
some hefty cleaning products (and a lot of wasted time) to remove - It's
just rude to do when there were open spots in guest parking all day! Just
because someone's friend is parking in the guest parking and it makes you
mad that the rules are being broken, is it really ruining your day??? If
it is, I seriously suggest you find som!
ething else to worry about. There is no major inconvenience that comes
from someone parking there every now and then - or parking there for a few
days if need be. So, seriously, if you're leaving mean notes on cars out
there - RELAX!!!
> Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 17:47:29 -0500> From:> To:> CC:;> Subject: Re: There is a vehicle from out
of town.> > > On Wed, 13 Aug 2008, wrote:> > >
Michigan plates. I have called the office to clear it and gave them > >
the plate number. Now there is a warning sticker on the vehicle. > > This
is a guest parking spot and it is for a guest. Who placed final > > notice
tow sign on the car? And why was it placed on the car? Do not > > tow this
vehicle. I have contacted First Properties. Who else needs to > > be
contacted?> > A warning sticker is a courtesy given before a violation
notice or> a towing comes. Generally, most people prefer a low-key notice
rather> than more direct action.> > The Board wasn't notified by 1P of
this particular visit. We continue> to urge people to inform the Board of
long-term guest parking (24 hours > or more). T!
hat way, there is a paper trail, it reduces the possibility> of
miss-communication, and you get an e-mail in confirmation. Although>
out-of-state guests can use guest parking for a few days, if guests> park
longer, the hosts should rent one of the Association's spaces for> a week
or more (at a reasonable cost).> > I don't know who put the sign on the
car, but I do know there were> several complaints that resulted in the
Board looking into it.> > The general rule of thumb (consistent with
Association rules) on guest> parking:> > --24 hours is fine (but not
in/out privileges over a period of several> days)> --Over 24 hours,
contact the Board directly (easier, saves potential> miscommunication)>
--Over 72 hours, consider renting a space in the back lot by the week> >
Hope this helps clarify things a bit.> > Jim>
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