Subject: RE: There is a vehicle from out of town.
From: Kelly Cacioppo (
Date: Thu Aug 14 2008 - 11:35:54 CDT
I fully understand the rules and abide by them. I also purchased a spot and pay taxes on it, so I get it. I know there are workers that also need to use those spots - and I still think it's crazy that people police those spots and that an unremovable sticker would be placed on someone's window.
Sorry, but I respect the rules and I'll still never get upset about someone's guest parking there -simply because they are so frequently empty...
> To:> CC:> Subject: RE: There is a vehicle from out of town.> From:> Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 09:18:57 -0500> > Kelly,> > I think you're missing the point.> > The Vanguard Lofts Condo Association pays for many services to be > performed at our building. These service providers take priority over > guests/visitors because we are paying money for them to be at our > building. The "guest/visitor" parking spaces behind the building need to > be open to accommodate these service providers that often make service > calls to the property on a 24x7 schedule. If people are abusing the > "guest/visitor" parking privileges then ultimately the service providers > don't have a place to park and it directly impacts the Vanguard Lofts > Condo Association. It is a major inconvenience to the Association when a > service provider shows up to perform work and they are delayed due to no > available parking. This problem happens wa
y more than you think.> > Examples of Service Providers:> > - Daily maintenance staff (Julio and Teddy)> - Elevator Maintenance Contractors> - AMS Mechanical Systems> - Anderson Pest Control> - Assurance Heating> - Chicago Building Services> - Clean Source Carpet> - ComEd Electric> - Peoples Energy> - Verizon Wireless> - Ward Plumbing> - Security One (Fire Alarm & Intercom System)> - Red Hawk (Access Control System and Video Security)> - Tremco Roofing> - Dish Networks (satellite)> - AT&T (phone/internet)> > Also remember that everyone in the building with a parking space has > purchased (or is renting) a location to park their vehicle. Parking space > owners pay annual taxes on their individual space. When home owners see > others in the building abusing the "guest/visitor" parking for personal > use, it upsets everyone. I'm sure you are well aware that many people in > the building have permanent "live in" guests or significant others with a > vehicle. People have been caught using the "visitor/guest" park
ing behind > the building as a personal parking space for a second vehicle. If a unit > needs a parking space for a vehicle, the Association has two parking > spaces that can be rented or purchased. Alternatively, vehicles can park > on the street for free.> > Another problem is rental units with tenants that do not know rules for > "guest/visitor" parking. In the past there have been several units with > multiple residents, each with a car. Typically there is only one parking > space per unit. The tenants of the rental units often take it upon > themselves to use the "guest/visitor" parking spaces as a personal parking > space. The "guest/visitor" parking spaces behind the building are not for > personal use.> > The Board of Managers has discussed the option of removing the > "guest/visitor" parking spaces from behind the building. The spaces would > be stripped in yellow paint and no parking signs would be posted. Service > providers would be the only vehicles allowed to park in the area directly > behind
the building, thus resulting in all vehicles being towed. If > people continue to abuse the "guest/visitor" parking spaces and the rules > that have been established for the use of these spaces, you can rest > assured that the "guest/visitor" parking privileges will be revoked.> > Remember, we all live in a communal building. The are rules and > regulations are for everyone... all of which are very simple to understand > and extremely simple to follow. No one is being rude. The rules are > simply being enforced.> > - Chris> > > > > Kelly Cacioppo <> > Sent by:> 08/14/2008 12:57 AM> Please respond to>> > > To> <>, <>> cc> Vanguard Lofts Listserv <>> Subject> RE: There is a vehicle from out of town.> > > > > > > > Sorry to send this and clog up your inboxes - because it's just my opinion > - but everyone needs to CHILL OUT re
garding guest parking. I've lived > here over 2 years, and guest parking has never been full for over 12 > hours. There is always a spot or 2 available, and I've seen such mean > streaks come from people that live here when it comes to guest parking. I > do not know who parked in that spot, so this has nothing to do with me - > but I think it's just awful that some of the people that live here are > driven to leave nasty notes on someone's car. It's childish behavior, and > that 'courtesy' sticker that was placed on the window will take the owner > some hefty cleaning products (and a lot of wasted time) to remove - It's > just rude to do when there were open spots in guest parking all day! Just > because someone's friend is parking in the guest parking and it makes you > mad that the rules are being broken, is it really ruining your day??? If > it is, I seriously suggest you find som!> ething else to worry about. There is no major inconvenience that comes > from someone parking there every now and then - or
parking there for a few > days if need be. So, seriously, if you're leaving mean notes on cars out > there - RELAX!!!> > > > > Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 17:47:29 -0500> From:> To: >> CC:; >> Subject: Re: There is a vehicle from out > of town.> > > On Wed, 13 Aug 2008, wrote:> > > > Michigan plates. I have called the office to clear it and gave them > > > the plate number. Now there is a warning sticker on the vehicle. > > This > is a guest parking spot and it is for a guest. Who placed final > > notice > tow sign on the car? And why was it placed on the car? Do not > > tow this > vehicle. I have contacted First Properties. Who else needs to > > be > contacted?> > A warning sticker is a courtesy given before a violation > notice or> a towing comes. Generally, most people prefer a low-key notice > rather> than more direct action.> > The Board wasn't notified by 1P of > this p
articular visit. We continue> to urge people to inform the Board of > long-term guest parking (24 hours > or more). T!> hat way, there is a paper trail, it reduces the possibility> of > miss-communication, and you get an e-mail in confirmation. Although> > out-of-state guests can use guest parking for a few days, if guests> park > longer, the hosts should rent one of the Association's spaces for> a week > or more (at a reasonable cost).> > I don't know who put the sign on the > car, but I do know there were> several complaints that resulted in the > Board looking into it.> > The general rule of thumb (consistent with > Association rules) on guest> parking:> > --24 hours is fine (but not > in/out privileges over a period of several> days)> --Over 24 hours, > contact the Board directly (easier, saves potential> miscommunication)> > --Over 72 hours, consider renting a space in the back lot by the week> > > Hope this helps clarify things a bit.> > Jim> > __________________________________________________________
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