Subject: Status of Dish Network/Echostar
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Fri Aug 29 2008 - 14:20:16 CDT
A few of you have asked about the status of the Dish issue. Here's the
short version:
1) The contract with Roddy/USA Dish is terminated. He's out of the
picture because of non-compliance with the terms of the contract.
Those who still have Big Skyz, Roddy's Internet service (there are only
about a half-dozen at last count) should change, because Roddy can no
longer service the satellite on the roof.
2) USA Dish was responsible for the hardware to the building and
providing on-site technical support as a sub-contractor to Dish
Network/Echostar. Dish Network provided billing and programming.
If you have billing/programming issues, call Dish Network (see your
latest statement for the numbers). Dish Network billing and programming
is an issue between individual subscribers and Dish, *not* an
Association/Board responsibility.
3) Dish Network/Echostar can't come into the building to provide service
until a new contract is in place. This means that they can't provide
new service in the building, upgrade existing service, or address
satellite or related malfunctions that originate in the building.
4) If you are having problems with your signal, or not receiving service
you paid for, first call Dish Network's techical support. Sometimes,
the problem can be diagnosed from their offices, and on occasion
fixed remotely.
5) The Board has received and read a draft of Dish's proposed contract,
made comments, sent it to the First Property's attorney who drafted up
a new version, and returned it to Dish Network/Echostar. The Board will
meet with them late next week to discuss it.
Although things are moving far more slowly than any of us like, they
are moving. We hope to resolve the contract situation soon, and as soon
as the Association signs the contract, normal service should resume.
U-Verse is not currently an option. As of Monday, I was informed that
it won't be available in our neighborhood until January at the earliest.
We have explored Comcast, but there are technical and other issues that,
for now, don't make them viable alternatives.
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