Subject: Re: HELP PLEASE
Date: Mon Sep 22 2008 - 12:19:20 CDT

this is brenda in#211, I have been getting calls from comcast to switch over
to them. can someone update me on the status of her deal with Dish. I have
dish for programming, are we, as a building switching to comcast? please
God Bless!!
Brenda Reese #211

In a message dated 9/22/2008 6:29:30 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:


I ran into Teddy on Saturday night. He located the smoke detector with
the failing battery. As a preventative measure he will be replacing the
batteries in all the smoke detectors.

Thank you for reporting the problem.
- Chris

Christian A. Lattimer
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. - It Architect & Consulting
131 South Dearborn, Floor 5-636
Chicago, IL 60603

Phone: 312-407-1333
Pager: 877-412-7720

Robin Raffel <>
Sent by:
09/21/2008 12:22 AM
Please respond to



Sorry, I didnt mean to assume it was coming from your apartment. I too
couldnt figure out where it was coming from. I have called the emergency #
twice today, so hopefully someone finally came to fix it. I was out in the
hall in the middle of the night last night and i think i finally
pinpointed it to the smoke detector right across from my apt. #713.

but, if people hear these things and are annoyed and awakend by them, then
they need to call first properties and complain or else nothing will get
done about it. i called donna on friday and she was out of the office and
that is when i decided to call the emergency # because i could not take it
anymore. they said not 1 other person had called about it.

so hopefully it was taken care of tonight by teddy!!!

robin 713

--- On Sat, 9/20/08, Long, Rebecca Lynn <> wrote:

> From: Long, Rebecca Lynn <>
> Subject: Re: HELP PLEASE
> To:
> Date: Saturday, September 20, 2008, 7:32 PM
> Hi there,
> I live in unit 704 and I too have been awakened and
> annoyed and angered
> by that chirping noise, but I can assure everyone it is
> definitely NOT
> coming from my unit.
> My first thought that was that it is a carbon monoxide or
> smoke detector
> that's signaling it has a low battery.
> Jim, it does sound like it's coming from the hallway,
> or at least that is
> where it seems to be the loudest. I've been trying to
> listen for a while
> to pinpoint it, but of course the chirps are not coming as
> often now, so
> I'm not sure where the noise is coming from....but for
> the record, again,
> it's not coming from me.
> Becky- Unit 704
> On Fri, September 19, 2008 8:54 am, Robin Raffel wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > HI to everyone...
> > sorry to bug everyone...but I live on the 7th floor,
> 713, and there has
> > been this horrible chirrping noise coming from what I
> think is 704 for the
> > past 2 days.
> > I thought it was coming from my unit and have taken
> everything apart in my
> > place and it not coming from my place at. Last night
> in the middle of the
> > night and this morning I followed the noise and I
> think I can finally
> > pinpoint it to 704. I am not sure if someone is living
> there or what.
> > I called Donna this morning but of course she is out
> today and wont be
> > back until monday. i can not take 1 more night of
> laying in bed and
> > listening to it. 2 nights is enough for me.
> >
> > so, if chris or Jim can go up there and see if they
> can figure it out or
> > call who ever lives in 704 that would really make my
> day and ever more
> > make my night tonight.
> >
> > thanks so much.
> >
> > robin 713
> >
> >

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