Subject: RE: Kudos to Brian for Parkway Project
From: Allison Prybylo (
Date: Mon Sep 29 2008 - 12:03:19 CDT
On one of Jim's emails a while back I know he mentioned all the hard work everyone is doing in regards to the cable situation.
One thing he mentioned was setting up new contracts with Comcast or Dishnetwork. If we do get out of the Dishnetwork contract why would we set up another contact with anyone? Why shouldn't we just be able to pick who we want as our provider?
> To:> Subject: RE: Kudos to Brian for Parkway Project> From:> Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 11:57:50 -0500> > The parkways look amazing. Special thanks to everyone in the building for > putting up with the mess. It was well worth the wait!> > The next phase of the project is to build the planters around the trees. > We will be looking for a few hard working volunteers to assist us in the > construction of the planters. Right now we are targeting the weekend of > 10/18 - 10/19 for the project. If you are willing to donate some time to > help out the association, please contact me and I'll add you to my list of > volunteers.> > In regards to Dish Network... I talked to the attorney this morning and he > has a call setup for today for the legal teams to continue discussions. > I'll keep everyone posted when I know more.> > - Chris> > > > > > "Stankos, Brian" <> > Sent by:> 09/29/2008 11:
40 AM> Please respond to>> > > To> <>> cc> > Subject> RE: Kudos to Brian for Parkway Project> > > > > > > > Chris, the board president, deserves much of the credit also. I just > picked the color and pattern of the concrete. He did all the nitty > gritty, and installed water and electric piping under the concrete for > future use if we ever want to put Christmas lights on the trees or set up > an irrigation system.> > The lobby renovation and façade lighting is next! This job should start in > a couple weeks. > > -----Original Message-----> From: > [] On Behalf Of Jim Thomas> Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 11:29 AM> To: Vanguard Lofts Listserv> Subject: Kudos to Brian for Parkway Project> > > The parkway project is nearly finished and the yellow tape is coming> down. IT LOOKS GREAT!> > Thanks to Brian, who pulled it all together and made it happen!> It makes
the area look much better.> > Jim> > > > > > > > -----------------------------------------> This communication is for informational purposes only. It is not> intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of> any financial instrument or as an official confirmation of any> transaction. All market prices, data and other information are not> warranted as to completeness or accuracy and are subject to change> without notice. Any comments or statements made herein do not> necessarily reflect those of JPMorgan Chase & Co., its subsidiaries> and affiliates.> > This transmission may contain information that is privileged,> confidential, legally privileged, and/or exempt from disclosure> under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you> are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or> use of the information contained herein (including any reliance> thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Although this transmission and any> attachments are believed to be free of any virus or
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