Re: question...

Subject: Re: question...
From: Robin Raffel (
Date: Wed Oct 01 2008 - 06:46:47 CDT

i heard the same thing last night. they started up there at like 9:30. it sounded like a lot of people walking up there.
does any one know what was going on up there?

robi 713

--- On Wed, 10/1/08, Kelly Cacioppo <> wrote:

> From: Kelly Cacioppo <>
> Subject: question...
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, October 1, 2008, 1:33 AM
> Sorry to bother everyone, but it's 1:30 am and I can
> hear someone walking on the roof - and have been hearing
> footsteps ocassionally for the last couple hours --- is
> there work being done up there this late at night? just
> checking...
> Kelly
> unit #708
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