Re: question...

Subject: Re: question...
From: Tom Kikta (
Date: Wed Oct 01 2008 - 06:51:25 CDT

I heard the same thing starting at about 3:45 am. Whoever it was had
been moving around for over an hour above my bedroom. Not only was it
very annoying, but a little creepy, as well.
Chris, Brian, Jim, Derek:
Can you please let us know who it was on the roof all night? If it was
Verizon, someone should contact them to let them know their workers were
apparently screwing around all night, because my condo is on the other
side of the building from the Verizon tower, and there are no conduits,
etc. that run in my direction.
When I moved into the building six years ago, I was told the residents
on the 7th floor, in general, pay higher assessments. As near as I can
tell, the only thing I get for the higher assessments is crap falling in
from the roof every time the wind blows hard or someone is walking
around on the roof. Since this person was on the roof for over an hour
right above my bedroom, I got crap falling in from the roof...on
me...while I was trying to sleep...for over an hour. Judging by the
time stamp on Kelly's e-mail (1:34 am), this person was on the roof for
at least 3 hours. What in the hell were they doing on the roof for 3
hours? I don't think it's too much to ask to let us know.
Thomas Kikta, AIA

651 W. Washington Blvd., Suite One
Chicago, Illinois 60661
Direct: 312.756.1250
Cell: 847.567.9595
Sustainability - Performance - Design

>>> Kelly Cacioppo <> 10/1/2008 1:33 AM >>>

Sorry to bother everyone, but it's 1:30 am and I can hear someone
walking on the roof - and have been hearing footsteps ocassionally for
the last couple hours --- is there work being done up there this late at
night? just checking...

unit #708
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