RE: People on the roof

Subject: RE: People on the roof
From: Allison Prybylo (
Date: Fri Nov 21 2008 - 09:18:41 CST

Yeah well last night it sounded like there was something running around on the roof.....It was very annoying. > From:> To:> Subject: RE: People on the roof> Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 20:56:29 -0600> > > I spoke to Donna at First Properties and they're working on the (?) pointers and mortar...> Apparently they should be done soon, but that's usually the answer I get when I complain about roof work.> > The debris coming down from there is absolutely intolerable, but Donna also mentioned that replacing the roof - even though our assessments are goiing up for 2009 - won't occur until 2010. So, another glorious year of soot falling down all over our furniture and floors continues...> > -Kelly #708> Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 18:24:03 -0600> Subject: People on the roof> From:> To:> > > > Hi all-> > Any idea about what's going on on the roof and how long it will last? > Whoever is up there is very very loud and ther
e is lots of stuff coming> down into my sounds like they are directly above me....> > Becky> #704> > > _________________________________________________________________> Color coding for safety: Windows Live Hotmail alerts you to suspicious email.> >

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