Subject: RE: People on the roof
From: Tom Kikta (
Date: Fri Nov 21 2008 - 10:28:17 CST
If the contractors had anything loose on the roof that wasn't weighted down, it would have been blowing around in the wind. That is probably what you heard. I got that a lot when they were doing the work at 1224. Insulation board often blew off of their building onto ours, and would blow around on our roof. It often sounded like someone was jumping up and down on the roof.
Thomas Kikta, AIA
651 W. Washington Blvd., Suite One
Chicago, Illinois 60661
Direct: 312.756.1250
Cell: 312.498.1471
Sustainability - Performance - Design
>>> Allison Prybylo <> 11/21/2008 9:18 AM >>>
Yeah well last night it sounded like there was something running around on the roof.....It was very annoying. > From:> To:> Subject: RE: People on the roof> Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 20:56:29 -0600> > > I spoke to Donna at First Properties and they're working on the (?) pointers and mortar...> Apparently they should be done soon, but that's usually the answer I get when I complain about roof work.> > The debris coming down from there is absolutely intolerable, but Donna also mentioned that replacing the roof - even though our assessments are goiing up for 2009 - won't occur until 2010. So, another glorious year of soot falling down all over our furniture and floors continues...> > -Kelly #708> Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 18:24:03 -0600> Subject: People on the roof> From:> To:> > > > Hi all-> > Any idea about what's going on on the roof and how long it will last? > Whoever is u!
p there is very very loud and there is lots of stuff coming> down into my sounds like they are directly above me....> > Becky> #704> > > _________________________________________________________________> Color coding for safety: Windows Live Hotmail alerts you to suspicious email.> >
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