Don't forget: Vanguard Board Meeting Monday, DEC 15

Subject: Don't forget: Vanguard Board Meeting Monday, DEC 15
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Sun Dec 14 2008 - 16:30:09 CST

Don't forget the Owners/Board meeting Monday/Dec 15 at 7 pm in the
electrical room. Because the meeting includes electing Board members,
if you can't go, get your proxy to Donna at 1P.

Also - First Properties sent over a recent updated owners list. I've
added some of the emails of newcomers to the building to the list, so
if this is the first time you're receiving email from the Vanguard
Listserv (that's what this is), that's why.

If you've moved out of the building and want to be taken off the list,
send me private email and I'll remove you.

And, of course, WELCOME to all the newcomers!! Many have questions about
the building or how things work, so we'll start an FAQ list for the
Vanguard homepage at:

You'll need a login and password to get to the owners section, so let
me know in private email if you need it.

(Board sec'y for the newcomers)

                                Jim Thomas
                NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
             Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University
       Adjunct Professor, Criminal Justice, University of Illinois/Chicago

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