Subject: Free plants and storage room stuff
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Tue Dec 16 2008 - 11:46:42 CST
There are two large ferns in the storage room that used to be in
the front lobby. If anybody wants one (or both), please take them
and give them a good home. If you want them, try to get them within
the next few days.
Also, there is stuff on the floors of the storage room (punching bag,
large Christmas tree stand, small file cabinet, and other things).
It's not just against condo rules, but also a potential problem
with city ordinances if fire marhalls inspect. If they are not removed
by the weekend, they will be donated to a charity or thrown out.
Bikes must also be registered and hung in the owner's registered hook
and not left standing on the floor. The owners of these bikes should
register them and hang them on the designated hook.
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