Trash removal

Subject: Trash removal
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Tue Dec 16 2008 - 12:27:13 CST

Because of the holidays, people might have more trash than normal
times. Remember:

1) YOU *MUST* take your garbage down to the trash bins behind the
building. *DO NOT* leave it by the garbage chutes on your floor!
This is rude to other residents, makes more work for Julio (the
maintenance fellow) and risks generating a rules violation/fine.
If anybody has left trash there now, it would be wise to take it

2) Christmas trees: When you remove your Christmas tree, please be
sure to put it in a large tree-disposal bag (available at Dominick's
and many other stores) when you carry it outside to the bins. Or,
at least wrap a sheet around it. Dried needles make a mess - should
you inadvertantly have a mess, please clean up afterwards.

3) *DO NOT* put trees in the the garbage chutes room on your floor.
(Yes, it's happened).



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