Re: water

Subject: Re: water
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Sat Jan 03 2009 - 21:10:31 CST

On Sun, 4 Jan 2009, Dom Shurba wrote:

> Is there a main water shut off? I need to do some work in the shower. Do I have to go through first properties?

If you're doing work in the shower that involves risers or moving into
common/limited common areas behind the walls, you need to get permission
from the Board to approve the work.
Check out Section S of the rules:

Routine work within your unit is fine; if you're not sure, run it by the
Board. This might sound harsh, but given some nightmares caused by an
owner last year with self-rennovation of plumbing who caused havoc
in lower units, it's best not to take chances.


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