Vanguard Archives - January 1 to December 31, 2009
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Starting: Fri Jan 02 2009 - 04:05:42 CST
Ending: Wed Dec 30 2009 - 17:32:33 CST
- (no subject)
- **THANKS**
- 205 Water Damage.
- 3rd floor hallway
- 7th floor garbage
- 7th Floor Roof Leak
- A/C Repair
- Accident
- Anybody know Pablo Maurelia?
- Anybody need granite for their kitchen's island?
- Apt. For Rent
- Awful Stench
- Bike
- Bike registration
- Bikes - Unknown Owners (fwd)
- Bikes chained on floor still there - please remove!
- Board Meeting - Weds, June 3
- Board meeting tonight
- Board Meeting Weds night
- Borrowed bike?
- Box in mailroom
- Building s2curity
- Building security
- Can someone recommend a painter or painting service? I'm in the process of putting some quotes together. - Thanks Mike #405
- car in guest parking
- City Street Parking restrictions this Saturday -
- Cleaning Service?
- Courtesy reminders
- Dish Network
- Dish Network Issues
- Dish Receiver
- Dog Registration: Final Notice
- Dog/Bike registration
- Dog/Bike registration and 2 comments/questions
- Doggie Doo Doo in the Planters
- Dogs Urinating.
- DOGS!!!
- Don't forget the Board meeting
- Don't forget window-washing!
- Electronic Entry System.
- ELEVATOR FIXED - Dogs back in rear elevator
- Exhaust Fans
- FedEx delivery
- Final notice on Dog Registration forms!
- FINES for those who break the rules.
- Found grill cover
- Front Elevator
- Furnace Help
- furnace service
- Furnace Update / Possible solution
- Fwd: Master Owner Information Sheet
- Garbage Issue- 7th Floor
- Gas meter replacement
- getting new phone service question
- Grill for sale?
- heat
- How to register dogs/bikes
- Indoor garage door opener
- Keys
- keys found
- Keys found in Garage
- Kitchen and Bath Remodeling
- Lights
- Lights on roof top parking
- Locks
- Looking For A Parking Spot
- Love to go to church with you
- Master Owner Information Sheet
- Missing Items
- Motorcycle parking: REMINDER
- Move Your Car!!!!
- Next Board Meeting
- Next Board meeting: Weds, March 4
- No mail...
- Noise and such
- Owners are responsible for renters
- Package for #514 in the mail room?
- Parking Problem
- Parking spot #42
- parking spot for rent?
- Please *REMOVE* your bike from hook #35
- Please - no dogs/bikes in front lobby
- Please remove the motorcycle from space #56
- question
- Rear Elevator
- recommendations
- Refinance Issues with condo association master insurance policy
- Reminder: Board Meeting Weds June 3, 7 pm
- Rental
- Rental available
- Rental Unit
- Rental Unit Available
- Renter information.
- Restriping guest parking/throop entrance closing
- Roof
- Rule enforcement time!!!
- Rules - the unpleasant side....
- Saturday night's power outage
- Smell from the kitchen sink
- Suspicious individual 6/15 12:15am
- To the person who took the LLBean men boots size 11 on the 6th floor... Return them!
- UIC-Possible shooting at Racine and Harrison
- Unit key question
- Units 607, 407, 307
- Unpleasant announcement time!
- Update on key fob back-up system
- Vanguard Bike parking, Space 002
- Vanguard Bike Space #002
- Vanguard Lofts - Furnace/Heat Issues
- Vanguard Lofts - Maintenance Items
- Vanguard Lofts - North Parking Lot Repairs 5/15/2009
- Vanguard Lofts - Spring Flower Planting & Clean Up
- Vanguard Lofts Facade Repair, 2003 Drawings
- Vanguard Lofts rear elevator
- Vanguard Roof
- visitors' lot
- water
- Water in rear elevator
- Window washing info, part II
- window washing October 8 notice (fwd)
- Window washing starts this week
- WLCO Town Meeting
- your mail
Last message date: Wed Dec 30 2009 - 17:32:33 CST
Archived on: Sun May 16 2010 - 15:06:39 CDT
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