Subject: Re: Next Board meeting: Weds, March 4
From: BRENDA (
Date: Thu Feb 19 2009 - 00:10:07 CST
thank you and yes i would like some info on the carts they have and how to order them
God Bless!
Brenda Reese
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Thomas <>
Sent: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 12:07 am
Subject: Re: Next Board meeting: Weds, March 4
> Can we get carts that hotels use to carry our packages, groceries,
> etc to our units.? Several building that I have visited, that I have
> friends that live in these other buildings have them.? My suggestion
> is, if it sounds feasible, is that we have one for each floor and only
> the residents on that floor can use it and each one can have different
> lock combination for that floor and the residents for that floor have
> the combo and when they are done return it to your floor by the back
> elevator.? Let me know what you think.
We can discuss it at the meeting, but for storage and other reasons
it'll probably be difficult to implement. A number of people have those
small collapsable carts available on the Internet, the kinds that
musicians use to cart their stuff around. They're fairly cheap and
sturdy. Chris has a great one - maybe he can send over details or
others who have one can share. They're relatively inexpensive.
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