Subject: Re: 7th Floor Roof Leak
From: Gina B (
Date: Wed Mar 04 2009 - 09:01:01 CST
I told Donna about a roof leak last week when it was raining like a monsoon. She gave me the number to Joe to make an appointment to check it out. No one has called me back. Maybe you can try. The number she gave me is 709-848-9119.
Gina B
Unit 701
From: Nick <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2009 7:53:19 AM
Subject: RE: 7th Floor Roof Leak
Thanks Jim. I emailed Donna sepreatly.
It was more of an fyi for others on the 7th floor.
-----Original Message-----
From: "Jim Thomas" <>
To: "" <>
Cc: "Donna Lewicki-Wlezien" <>
Sent: 3/3/09 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: 7th Floor Roof Leak
Nick -
For problems like this, call Donna at 1P. Posting to the Vanguard list
won't solve the problem, because there's nothing that "we" can do.
While sharing information is always useful, calling on other owners
to solve a problem beyond their control isn't.
Call or email Donna (she's on the cc line of this post) with a
copy to the Board
Condo Board <>,
> Hi All
> My tennant reported to me that a large amount of water was pouring into the unit this morning from the ceiling.
> It has stopped. Was there anything going on with the roof this morning? I doubt it was melting snow.
> I think we need to do something ASAP.
> thanks.
> Nick 705
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