Subject: Noise and such
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Wed Mar 04 2009 - 22:18:36 CST
> Why do we have to walk on Rice-Paper in our lofts?? Wood floors do creek=
> when you walk and there's so much complaint on noise. =20
> I'm hardly ever home and the person I sub-lease from calls me every other=
> day about complaints on me walking at night and washing machine going on=
> sunday evening when I'm cleaning and washing. LOL
This is an interesting issue. We (the Board) occasionally gets a
complaint about "noise." We can expect to hear the sounds of our
neighbors, despite the reasonable good soundproofing.
However, sometimes we all (me included) forget that we might walk
with a heavy heel, have hard-soled shoes, blast the tv too loud,
squabble with our partners, or end parties with friends singing
Metallica songs on departure. If it's a one-time thing, no big deal.
If it's a pattern, though, it erodes the quality of life of others.
Some tips:
--Be aware of your floor-tread: If it's heavy-heeled, if you run back
and forth a lot, or if you wear shoes that echo in the wood, try to
be more careful.
--Be sure your friends are quiet when they leave late, and if they
must sing, make sure they're at least on-key.
--If you have a party, let those above/below/adjacent know so they
can prepare. Consider inviting them.
If there's a problem with noise, usually a **POLITE** note under the
door does the trick.
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