RE: Roof

Subject: RE: Roof
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon Mar 09 2009 - 16:14:35 CST

> I don't want to come out sounding harsh or rude but I don't really
> care what the 2000 Reserve Study identified as our date of
> replacement. The roof obviously has issues and needs to be replaced.
> Those people/tanants who do not live on the 7th floor do not realize
> this.

The point of identifying the original replacement date was to emphasize
that we *ARE* replacing the roof much earlier than planned, in 2010.
I think we all realize the severity of the problem. That's why the
wheels are in motion. A roof isn't just ripped off and a new one
put down. The intent is a durable roof with longevity that is also
cost-effective. We need to be sure that the HVAC units on the roof
will be secure, and especially that minimal disruption occurs to
owners on the 7th floor during replacement. The Roof/Repair Committee,
which we assume 7th floor owners want to be heavily involved with,
is a step toward identifying and working through the issues.

We don't order a roof like we order out for a pizza. We all agree that
it needs to be done, the decision has been made to do it, and the
wheels are in motion--in consultation with at least one Vanguard
owner who is a roofing professional--to obtain the services of a
consultant to identify the design and guidelines.

Hope this helps emphasize that the problem is not being ignored.


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