RE: Roof

Subject: RE: Roof
From: Nick (
Date: Mon Mar 09 2009 - 16:49:50 CST

Hi All

I understand that we don't replece a roof like orfering a pizza.But at the very least temporary fixes need to be made in order to stop the leaking.

Mold is big issue usually not covered insurance.

Water from the roof can start affecting lower units as well and this could turn out to be a more expensive problem.

I have not had any prolems with my unit until recently. Obviosly the situation is getting worse.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 3/9/09 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: Roof

Allison- I think your words were well put. I am a tenant on the 7th
floor. I currently have 5-6 garbage bags over my guest bed (before the
storms this weekend) a steady flow of water was coming from the ceiling
soiling my guest queen bed. My walls are wet from a leaky ceiling in the
kitchen area and I have 1 inch rocks falling from the exposed bricks that
I spend my time cleaning the floors constantly so I don't feel like I live
in a 3rd world hut with dirt floors.

Fortunately, I did not invest my money long term into this place- as I
rent month to month. However, if I were a owner on any floor, the lack of
attention and corrective actions to this severe mold and structure issue
is very alarming. If I were a owner I would bring more attention to this
problem via the press and the City of Chicago. Mold is a serious problem-
especially with young children living in this building.

It appears the building management jumps through hoops to correct the
small problems(ex. a couple of dead cats smelling the mail room up), but
when correcting a major roof leak over a 7 floor mid-rise in most units
(safe to say) is a lack of responsibility and just poor management. I
know if I were paying HOA$$'s and nothing is being done to correct
problems of my investment I would not be sitting on my hands saying- it's
somebody else's problem no matter what floor I live on.

Off to a different topic for the 7th floor residents- please dispose your
trash down the chute and if the bag doesn't fit, take a ride down the
elevator to dispose of it to the garbage dumpsters. Just because there is
a garbage closet doesn't mean to leave your garbage for others to smell.

Brian H. #705

Allison Prybylo <>
Sent by:
03/09/2009 04:35 PM

Please respond to

<>, <>


I wanted to again address the roof issue at our building. This entire
weekend I dealt with a leaking ceiling which entailed numerous pans
throughout my condo as well as water leaking down the side of my walls. I
know other 7th floor tenants also deal with these same issues and do so

I think us not addressing the roof replacement issue til 2010 is terrible
and unacceptable. Most people on the 7th floor have to deal with these
issues on a pretty regular basis and other tenants do not realize the
effects of rain or snow on our building. It is great to have a roofing
contractor but when they can not fix the issue if the roof is wet then it
can be very frustrating. I know you have all said that those are things
you deal with in a condo however the roof of the building is our entire
obligation not just the 7th floor tenants.


I have contacted Joe at the roofing place and hope he can come out soon
depending on the weather. However I personally think we should look into
replacement other than just temporary fixes. Or even getting quotes from
contractors to see what the cost would be.



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