RE: Vanguard Roof

Subject: RE: Vanguard Roof
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Tue Mar 10 2009 - 11:57:47 CST

> I wanted to inform you that our unit had leakage through the tops of
> a few window frames over the weekend. There was constand drippage and
> we needed numerous towels to soak it up. Although we are not on the
> 7th floor, it was a problem.

This has been a problem in several *01 units during heavy rain from the
west, including ours. Some recent work on the facade, we hoped, would
take care of some of it.

When owners discover problems in the common elements (roof, exterior
walls), be sure to take pictures, if possible, to identify the location
and nature of the leak. Then, notify First Properties. Posting the
problems to the list is helpful so that others who have similar problems
can share experiences. But, posting the the list (or to the Board)
is only informational. Contact 1P with a cc to the Board so we can
document the problems.


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