RE: Rule enforcement time!!!

Subject: RE: Rule enforcement time!!!
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Sun Mar 15 2009 - 22:10:06 CST

> There has been a red and white bike (without a bike seat ) locked to the outside rack rusting away for a year and a half.
> It has and seems it will never be/been used. It does have a vanguard sticker and a very sturdy lock on it.
> Can we find out what is up with this unsightly bike? Since spring is around the corner, why have this bike fill space for another season?

Jonathan raises an interesting point. It's tacky to take up a space
in perpetuity. On the other hand, if the bike has a legitimate sticker,
it's within the rules. It's possible that the owner has moved and
abandoned it. Or, perhaps they'll read this and respond. Either way,
the Board can discuss what to in this type of situation, since the
bike's owner has technically complied with the letter of the rule (if
not the spirit).

On the other hand, I'd argue (at least weakly and for now) that it's
better to have an unused bike outside rather than having it inside
next to others, making it more difficult to remove our bikes because
of the cramped quarters.

But, Jonathan's point is a good one. We'll address it.


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