Subject: RE: Rule enforcement time!!!
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon Mar 16 2009 - 20:30:44 CST
On Tue, 17 Mar 2009, Dom Shurba wrote:
> Just a reminder that humans are not allowed to treat this place like
> frat house. The rear elevator was covered in beer, and there was beer
> cans/bottles all over this place. Not to mention the half a dozen
> times I was awakened by drunks stumbling down the hallway all night.
> What a joke! Don't worry mommy and daddy are here to pick up after
> you. Are you sure it wasn't a human that pissed in the elevator?
Dom (and others) - if incidents occur, people should contact the Board
and provide an approximate date and time. If there are issues,
report them.
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