Subject: RE: Dog/Bike registration and 2 comments/questions
From: Christian A Lattimer (
Date: Thu Apr 23 2009 - 10:22:01 CDT
The unsightly bike that has been locked to the bike rack is abandoned. It needs to be removed, but it has been a low priority item. The association does not have any tools on site to remove the lock, so we need to call in maintenance to have the lock cut. If anyone has the necessary tools to remove the lock, please contact the condo board. Volunteer help is always appreciated.
In regards to the bench and plants in the storage room... these are owned by the condo association. The bench has worked out well as seating during the condo board meetings and will probably remain. As for the plants... please send your best offer to the condo board.
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of jonathan sweeney
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 9:59 AM
To: vanguard lofts
Subject: RE: Dog/Bike registration and 2 comments/questions
Vanguard ,
Just a reminder of the unsightly bike that has been locked outside in the middle of the rack for almost two years rusting away. It has a tag but I think the owner has given up on it.
Who do I ask about the plants and bench in the storage area? Are they for sale or free? I know of a good home for both.
> Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 22:21:03 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Dog/Bike registration
> By now, you've all received the forms and notification for dog and
> bike registration. If you have dogs, be sure they are registered
> with first properties. If you need a form, send me private email.
> The form, with $50 per dog, must be send to first properties:
> Ms. Donna Lewicki
> First Properties LLC.
> 760 N. Ogden Ave.
> Chicago, IL 60622
> Dogs must be registered by May 1. After that, residents risk a fine.
> Owners who are renting to tenants with dogs are ultimately responsible
> for tenants' registration, so if you're renting, make sure your
> tenants register their dogs to avoid the $50 fine.
> Bikes in the storage room must be on their proper hooks and must
> be registered. Bikes outside on the bike rack behind the building must
> also be registered. There is NO CHARGE for bike registration, but they
> MUST be registered! Unregistered bikes will be removed starting June 1.
> If you need a bike registration form, send me private email. Put
> the completed form under Chris Lattimer's door (#301). He will get you
> a sticker for your bike.
> Any questions, let me know.
> Jim
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