RE: Doggie Doo Doo in the Planters

Subject: RE: Doggie Doo Doo in the Planters
From: Stankos, Brian (bstankos@CANNONDESIGN.COM)
Date: Thu Apr 23 2009 - 10:39:33 CDT

I'm actually upgrading my washer/dryer right now also. The dryers are electric, and they vent into the space because our building is over 80 feet tall. To meet code, owners need to install a lint trap at the end of the dryer outlet. This trap is filled with water before each use, and collects the lint from the exhaust in the water. You can get these at Home Depot or Menards, and they are only $10-$15.

Also, some units were wired with a 20 Amp 120V outlet for the dryer. Most new electric dryers require a 30 Amp 240V outlet. It's a simple rewiring job that an owner can do or an electrician can handle if your unit wasn't updated.

Last thing, make sure to measure the closet for depth. I noticed many of the new large washers are a tight fit in my closet.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Joy Ringger
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: Doggie Doo Doo in the Planters

I don't know about the dog poo :) but I have a questions about our washer and dryer.  Silly question but they are electric, right?  I am going to buy a new stackable and wondered, is there anything special I need to know before I purchase it?  I know the dryer doesn't attach to an outsided source to get rid of the lint but is there anything else?

--- On Thu, 4/23/09, Christian A Lattimer <> wrote:

From: Christian A Lattimer <>
Subject: Doggie Doo Doo in the Planters
To: "" <>
Date: Thursday, April 23, 2009, 9:50 AM

If anyone can identify the person allowing their dog to defecate in the tree
planters along Van Buren and Throop, please send a private email to me or the
condo board. I would like to return the excrement to the owner and have a few
kind words with them about keeping their animal out of the planters.

Thank you,
- Chris
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