Update on key fob back-up system

Subject: Update on key fob back-up system
From: Jim Thomas (jthomas@math.niu.edu)
Date: Mon Apr 27 2009 - 22:06:30 CDT

Here's the latest from Chris, who checked out the system this weekend:

> The battery backup system was tested when it was installed a year
> ago... and the system has worked flawless during a few power outages
> last year. The batteries need to be checked annually. It's possible
> there is a problem with one of the batteries and they need to be
> replaced.

. . . . .

> I pulled the power on the Brivo system to check the battery backup
> tonight. The Brivo system and the DSL modem stayed alive... indicating the
> battery backup was working.
> The relay board that controls the electric strike locks was not
> working... so we'll need to get it checked out. With the massive
> lightning strike we had on Saturday, its possible that it could have
> damaged something.

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