Subject: RE: Exhaust Fans
From: Nick Andriacchi (
Date: Tue Apr 28 2009 - 16:04:02 CDT
Thanks Chris.
-----Original Message-----
From: Christian A Lattimer <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 1:57 PM
To: <>
Subject: Exhaust Fans
Over the past few weeks all of the exhaust fans on the roof have been serviced. Several of the fans were not functional. The exhaust fans are large units that pull air from the bathrooms. There is an exhaust fan for each vertical stack of bathrooms. It takes an extremely large motor to create the suction needed to pull air all the way from the ground floor.
The majority of people on the 7th floor are hearing the noises of the exhaust fans on the roof. I'm inclined to think that everyone had grown accustomed to the silence since many of the exhaust fans were broken. Now everything is working properly, so naturally things sound a bit different.
I was on the roof last week inspecting the exhaust fans, and everything sounds as I would expect. The fans are functional and they are extracting air from the building as designed.
If there are any "abnormal" sounds... please report the problems to First Properties.
- Chris
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