Re: Dish Network

Subject: Re: Dish Network
From: Barbara Thomas (
Date: Sat May 09 2009 - 23:21:42 CDT

We were watching a DVD when the outage happened, so when the power
went back on, we continued watching it and I only now discovered that
the satellite is not working.

So it sounds like Dish couldn't help you. Did they say that we needed
someone to come out to the building to get it
going again?


On May 9, 2009, at 10:56 PM, Dom Shurba wrote:

> The outage has fried something in our satellite system. (Just in
> time for the Blackhawks game.) I just spent some time on the phone
> with dish network and thats what they think. How do we get a
> service call for something like this? Dom 612
> _________________________________________________________________
> Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync.

Barbara Stewart Thomas

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