Re: Dish Network Issues

Subject: Re: Dish Network Issues
From: Barbara Thomas (
Date: Tue May 12 2009 - 10:28:58 CDT

I completely agree with you Chris, but I think the reason for a lot of the
frustration was that almost everyone seemed to get a different story from
the Dish Customer Service line reps when they called.

Depending on who you spoke to, people were told: 1. They had a lot of
complaints from our building or no one else had called to complain. 2. They
were coming that night, or they were coming they next morning or they didn't
know when they were coming.

In our case, the person I spoke to on Sat. night kept asking for our "MDU"
number. Not having any idea what that was, I gave the phone to Jim. He
asked to speak to a supervisor and finally got one who was a lot more
helpful. The first person probably thought we had a commercial account.

As often is the case when something like this happens, the big problem was
proper communication from Dish.


---- Original Message -----
From: "Christian A Lattimer" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 9:41 AM
Subject: RE: Dish Network Issues

> I agree with Dom. Dish Network responded to the problem in under 24 hours
> which was well within the Service Level Agreement of 48 hours for a site
> outage. The cause of the problem was the power outage which was no fault
> of Dish Network.
> Might I remind everyone, if we were still with Roddy (USA Dish/Big Skyz)
> chances are that we would still be without satellite service. There was a
> time when we would get weekly and even daily emails about customer service
> issues and problems with Roddy. Since we have dropped Roddy and switched
> to Dish Network, the board has received "zero" complaints. This is the
> first time we've had any issues with Dish Network, and in my opinion we
> don't have much room to complain.
> I realize we all live in a time where we are "connected" 24/7 via internet
> and television, and anytime a service is not available the world seems to
> stand still, but we all must maintain some perspective on the situation.
> Bottom line, multiple residents called Dish Network and reported a
> problem. The volume of service calls for 1250 West Van Buren escalated
> the severity level of the situation in the computer system and Dish
> Network dispatched a service technician to address the problem. The issue
> was resolved in less than 24 hours and people got to watch television on
> Sunday night.
> Had the service outage lasted longer than 48 hours, Dish Network would
> have been outside of their SLA and we would have grounds to bash Dish
> Network and request compensation for the loss of service.
> - Chris

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