Subject: Owners are responsible for renters
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Thu May 14 2009 - 21:59:42 CDT
A few of you have wondered why the Board is cracking down on rules.
In the last few months, we have received far more complaints than
usual, and we've also noticed issues with dogs, bikes, parking,
littering, and other major violations. The overwhelming majority of
the violations are from renters.
Owners should be aware: If your renter screws up, YOU, the OWNER,
bear the burden, whether from an unauthorized move, water in an
elevator, improper parking, unlicensed dogs, bikes or dogs in the
front lobby, fights in the it. YOU, the OWNER, can take
it up with your tenant, but the Board's issue is with YOU!!
Short version: If your renters are irresponsible, YOU are the ones
who will pay!
Any questions, let me know private e-mail.
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