Suspicious individual 6/15 12:15am

Subject: Suspicious individual 6/15 12:15am
From: Jason Wolf (
Date: Tue Jun 16 2009 - 07:38:04 CDT

Good morning.

Last evening while walking the dog I am dog sitting for I heard a cough come
from what sounded like the north remote lot. Yet when I looked in the lot I
didnt see anyone. So I scanned the lot again as I continued to walk and saw
some movement. It appeared someone was standing with their back to
Jackson against the tree line either watching 1224's back door our our
main sliding gate. Something didnt seem right so I continued to watch the
figure as I continued my walk north on Throop. The figure seemed to watch
me and was smoking a cigarette. I then circled across Throop and headed
south on the west side of the street...unfortunately I did not have my cell
phone otherwise I would have called the police.

That said I proceeded to scan the area where I had seen the figure and then
about 5 min later (10 min total by now) I saw a man in his late 20's - early
s, reddish strawberry blonde hair cut down to a buzz cut,t 5'9 - 6'0 come
around the corner. He watched me watch him walk to a car parked on Throop.
Again something did not seem right as if he were drunk or high (after
bartending for over 10 years it is pretty easy to spot certain
charecteristics) Even after he got in the car he still proceeded to watch me
watch him. I tried to conspicuously get the license plate but the plate had
a plastic cover over it that made it hard to read which futher added to my
concern. The car was a 2008-2009 Blue Ford Mustang Cobra GT with an
Illinois plate.

Once I got back to my unit I phoned the police who simply took a statement
over the phone. If anyone knows this individual

Anyway i just wanted to make everyone aware and encourage you to keep your
eyes peeled especially late at night. We have a GREAT neighborhood, but
there are always those who try to take advantage. And given the north lot
next the remote lot is not lighted it is probably a good idea to be sure to
walk your dogs on Throop at night and to use the buddy system when an where

Best regards,

Jason Wolf

PS...Donna you may want to pass on to 1224 as any FYI

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