Subject: Courtesy reminders
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Wed Sep 09 2009 - 13:23:04 CDT
In the past week, we've had a flood of complaints from Vanguard
residents, more than we usually get in six months!! So, some reminders:
1) NOISE: PLEASE! Be respectful of your neighbors. Especially on week
nights, keep stereos low and guests quiet. People work in the morning!
Workers should not begin pounding and sawing before 8 a.m. on weekdays,
10 a.m. on weekends. Loud, excessive noise at anytime is not allowed.
Also be careful in walking on the wood floors. Shoe-tromping on wooden
floors is a drag. Heavy foot-tromping is also a drag.
2) WATER/COOKING ON BALCONIES: Please be careful when watering plants
to make sure that excessive water doesn't drip below. If you wash
your balcony, alert the people below you. If you cook on the balcony,
be sure you use a drip-tray so that grease doesn't fall to the balcony
below. If you do something to or on your balcony that might cause
the people below some grief, let them know in advance.
3) DOGS: Be sure that your dogs are registered (nearly all are) and
no dogs in the front lobby. Same for bikes.
Jim Thomas
NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University
Adjunct Professor, Criminal Justice, University of Illinois/Chicago /
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