Unpleasant announcement time!

Subject: Unpleasant announcement time!
From: Jim Thomas (jthomas@math.niu.edu)
Date: Wed Oct 28 2009 - 15:56:15 CST

I hate to keep nagging, but here are some reminders for people:

1) NO DOG "ACCIDENTS INSIDE!" Sometimes, "shit happens." No big deal.
Come back and clean it up. We've identified the recent person and will
be acting.

2) GUEST PARKING: Guest parking spaces are for guests! A guest is
somebody who stays overnight once in a while, not somebody who hangs
out routinely. There have been some recent abuses. We'll issue warnings
in case people forget, but if abuse continues, there is the risk of a
fine. If a guest will be present more than 24 hours, let Chris or I

3) COURTESY: Remember - we're neighbors! If somebody complains about
noise, about garbage, about whatever, be polite. Don't cop and attitude.
Try to work it out politely. The Board can't get involved in disputes
between neighbors unless it becomes an Association issue, but
discourtesy or hostility and threats can soon escalate into an
Association issue. Calm. Ooooommmmmm......

4) DOG REGISTRATION: Nearly all dogs are responsibly registered. But,
there are still a few people who don't get it over a period of a year
(and have paid the price and still don't register). Please make sure
your dogs (or your tenant's dogs) are registered. Nearly all of you with
dogs registered this past spring/summer and are good to go until next
year (and we'll put out announcements when the time rolls around again),
since about 80 pct are good to next June or so).

5) No bigs or dogs in the front lobby. 99 pct of the people have been
very, very good about this.

No, we don't "spy" on people with video cameras, but when we get a
complaint, we check it out.



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