Subject: RE: Furnace Update / Possible solution
From: Christian A Lattimer (
Date: Thu Dec 03 2009 - 09:02:06 CST
On behalf of everyone, a big "thank you" to Jason for taking the time to investigate the problem further.
Please share this information with your neighbors. I'll try to post some information on the bulletin boards for those not on the discussion group.
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Jason Wolf
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 11:51 PM
Subject: Furnace Update / Possible solution
Hi everyone
So after I thought more about it, the chimney issue did not seem like a
viable problem given if it were there would have been more pockets of units
having issues. Therefore I contacted Certified for more information, spoke
with Don and he informed me he contacted Carrier the manufacturer of our
furnaces given he had a similar feeling and here is what Carrier said
1. Despite the age, the furnaces should be able to combat an issue with
negative pressure, plus they agreed we would see more pocketing of issues
2. Their suggestion was to look at the reset switch itself. Over time they
have found that the reset switch itself can overheat and trigger itself when
it gets hot. This does not mean the furnace is overheating...rather it
means that switch is failing.
As a result Certified ordered some and switched out 3 yesterday. So far the
units according to Don seem to be running ok, which means the solution may
have been found.
I also spoke with Don and asked if we had several units update their reset
switches would Certified be willing to waive the service call fee and he
said yes. That means all you would pay for is the switch and labor. That
said in order for that to happen they are going to try to maximize their
time here, therefore it may pay to be patient if you can when scheduling.
Again, this MAY be the issue and seems like a workable and cost effective
solution given the nature of the problems and the feedback from Carrier.
That said be aware Carrier has also dated the useful life of inducers at 15
years and the motors at 10-20. The timing will depend on hundreds of
factors, so keep in mind that there will not ALWAYS be a universal solution.
Hope this helps some.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Jeff Cook
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 11:22 PM
Subject: RE: Vanguard Lofts - Furnace/Heat Issues
Like Ian my heat also went out again today. Certified said the issue had to
do with the roof when they were out on Mon. I just left them a vmail to
come on back out.
1 - Have these initial and second complaints been enough to show that the
issues are beyond the individual owners' furnaces? Or are the second round
of compliants limited to just Ian and myself?
2 - If I have to pay $38 again for Certified to come back out and they tell
me what they told me Mon (that the issue is beyond my unit and related to
the roof), will I get reimbursed by the association? Like Ian it appears
their "fix" lasted for two days.
3 - Should I be dealing with First Properties on this issue and not ranting
through this list?
Ian: if you wouldn't mind emailing me offline it would be appreciated.
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Vanguard Lofts - Furnace/Heat Issues
> Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 09:55:09 -0600
> CC:
> > BEWARE EVERYONE. Once again my furnace went out this morning, and
> > this time not even the fan is running. I'm calling certified as we
> > speak.
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