Subject: Re: furnace service
From: Kelly Cacioppo (
Date: Tue Dec 08 2009 - 18:01:23 CST
Thanks Mary! I'm out of town for work this week and my husband will not be able to attend the board meeting, but I'd love to hear what comes out of the discussion. If someone could share what happens I'd greatly appreciate it... Thank you in advance!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Deskovich <>
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 23:55:20
To: <>
Subject: Re: furnace service
Nicole from certified left my place about an hour ago. Several parts she pulled from my furnace had evidence of overheating and were replaced. All was working well when she left. Don't know how long that will last. She too mentioned something about bathroom vents being activated this summer and short chimneys. I have no choice but to believe her since I know nothing about HVAC except that I know nothing about it.
Nicole did say she was planning on being at the board meeting tomorrow to speak to the problems we have been having. Perhaps those who are able to attend will get some definitive answers tomorrow.
From: Kelly Cacioppo <>
To: " " <>; " " <>
Sent: Tue, December 8, 2009 4:56:02 PM
Subject: Re: furnace service
Hi all- my furnace has still been going out (I've had to reset it twice since it was fixed last week). Is anyone still having issues like me? I've never had a single problem with my heat in the 4 winters I've lived in my unit, so I don't know what's going on. Certified heating is telling me that something was done to the vents in our building to cause this and that they're having a hard time getting it resolved. Since I've never had an issue before, I don't know what to believe. I left a message for Donna at first properties asking what's going on and all she did was leave a message for a different heating company. Does anyone from the board have further insight since last week? Am I the only one having continual problems? Was there actually something done to the vents this summer and are we looking into anything for the building as a whole? Thanks for the help!!
Kelly #708
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
-----Original Message-----
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 22:41:01
To: <>
Subject: Re: furnace service
Thanks. I got the number by sending a personal email to Jim. They just left my place. It appears that all is now ok and I won't have to move in with you when the temp plummets tomorrow.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
-----Original Message-----
From: "Kimberly Hatch" <>
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 16:29:05
To: <>
Subject: RE: furnace service
Mary the name of the vendor is Certified. Their number is 847-966-1155.
-----Original Message-----
[ <> < <> > ] On Behalf Of Mary
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 3:46 PM
Subject: furnace service
What was the name of the service company that has been working on the
furnaces in the building? I guess mine is now in need of the same repair
and while I have one company I have used on other buildings in the past,
I figure it would probably be better to deal w/ someone who has seen
this same problem before.
From: Donna Lewicki-Wlezien <>
Sent: Mon, December 7, 2009 1:28:46 PM
Content-Type: text/plain;charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
DT: November 18, 2009
RE: Board of Managers and Annual Owners' Meeting to be
held on
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 7:00 PM
Building Storage Room
Please be advised that the Annual Meeting of the Owners of Vanguard
Lofts Condominium Association will be held on Wednesday, Decenber 9,
2009 at 7:00 PM in the Building Storage Room. In order to open the
meeting, 20% of Owners must be present in person or via proxy. As such,
it is necessary that you complete and return the enclosed proxy if you
are not attending the meeting. (As a precautionary measure, we suggest
completing a proxy even if you plan on attending. Upon sign in, you can
revoke your proxy.)
Also attached please find:
1. Proxy Form
2. Candidate Nomination Form
A proxy (person who can vote in your place) can be desginated to take
your place at this meeting if you are unable to attend. Owners wishing
to use the Proxy Form are asked to fill in the blank lines with specific
information as requested. If you are unsure whether you can come or
not, please send in your Proxy Form, if you do attend the meeting, your
Proxy Form will be voided and will be returned. Additionally, Owners
are given an opportunity to express a preference for any known
candidates on their Proxy Form. This is not your ballot, it is your
direction to your Proxy to vote as you intended. Therefore, if you
choose, you may mark your preference (or write in) for the candidates of
your choice. Per your Declaration, there are two(2) seats available
this year.
Please return your Proxy either to an owner who will attend in your
absence or fax to: First Properties Fax #312-829-8950 or email
dlewicki no later than Monday December 1, 2009 at
12:00 p.m..
Please return your candidate nomination form to me no later than
Thursday, November 26th at 5:00 p.m.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact:
Donna Lewicki of First Properties at 312-829-8900 x 19
Thank you for your cooperation.
Donna Lewicki
Property Manager
Donna Lewicki, CMCA
Property Manager
First Properties LLC.
760 N. Ogden Ave.
Chicago, IL 60642
(312) 829-8900 ext. 19
fax (312) 829-8950
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