RE: Electronic Entry System.

Subject: RE: Electronic Entry System.
From: Allison Prybylo (
Date: Wed Dec 30 2009 - 12:11:22 CST

I can confirm that.

I got rid of my landline and have a phone plugged into the jack. It rings when people dial up from the front door and I can buzz people into the building.
> To:
> Subject: Re: Electronic Entry System.
> From:
> Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2009 17:24:47 +0000
> My understanding is that you don't actually need phone service, just a phone in the jack. The call from downstairs doesn't go through an actual "system" like ATT. Don't abandon your phone line on my suggestion that it's not needed. I may be mistaken, but someone else may be able to verify this.
> ------Original Message------
> From: Joy Ringger
> Sender:
> To:
> ReplyTo:
> Subject: Re: Electronic Entry System.
> Sent: Dec 30, 2009 7:57 AM
> speaking of the intercom there any other way to buzz people in besides a land line? I'd love to get rid of my land line.
> Thanks,
> Joy
> ________________________________
> From: "" <>
> To:
> Sent: Wed, December 30, 2009 6:55:31 AM
> Subject: Re: Electronic Entry System.
> Press 6 to buzz open the door. Just keep in mind that it often doesn't work and you have to do it twice, once for each door.
> ------Original Message------
> From: Ronald Martin
> Sender:
> To:
> ReplyTo:
> Subject: Electronic Entry System.
> Sent: Dec 29, 2009 11:03 PM
> Can anyone offer me some type of directive as to how to let people into the building. When guests call up from downstairs i cannot hear them. Do i have to press something to be able to hear them or is something wrong with my phone line. They can hear me however..... Is there a number that i press to let them in, or at least hear who is on the other side of the door, lol
> Thanks.
> Ronnie
> #710
> Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
> Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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