Blue Saturn in vistor's lot: MOVE IT!

Subject: Blue Saturn in vistor's lot: MOVE IT!
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Sat Jan 30 2010 - 21:22:41 CST

A blue Saturn has grossly abused the parking privileges in the guest
parking spots recently. Tonight it double parked.

The owner had best move it by 6 pm tomorrow (Sunday) or it will be
towed. In addition, the owner of the unit associated with the Saturn
will receive a violation letter and fined.

We're getting a bit tired of abuses by some folks. We urge those who
rent their units out to familiarize their tenants with rules. Any


                                Jim Thomas
                NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
             Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University
        Visiting Professor, Criminal Justice, University of Illinois/Chicago

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